George W. Gregory

George W. Dad Gregory was an American football player, coach and lawyer. He was the starting center for the University of Michigans PointaMinute football teams of 1901, 1902 and 1903. He was the only player to start allgames for the 1901 and 1902 teams that compiled a record of 220 and outscored opponents 1,194 to 12. Michigans football team was recognized as national champions for each of the three years in which Gregory was the starting center. After receiving his law degree from Michigan, Gregory moved to Seattle, Washington, where he was one of the founders of the Karr amp Gregory law firm. He also served as the head football coach at Kenyon College during the 1905 football season.

Gregory was born in California in May 1879. His father, Nathan Gregory, was an Indiana native and an engineer. His mother, Marietta Gregory, was also an Indiana native. At the time of the 1880 United States Census, Gregory at age one was living in Lincoln, Placer County, California with his parents and three older sisters, Alameda, Cora and Louise.

Source: Wikipedia